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Storing and retrieving certificates X.509 certificates in Azure Key Vault

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X.509 certificates are used to secure SAML SSO between the identity provider and service provider.

I used ComponentSpace SAML library which provides quite a few options to store certificates such as local files system, windows certificate store, certificate string and Azure Key Vault. I chose to go with Azure Key Vault. Remember, my app is hosted on Azure itself and is a .NET Core app.

Though I'm using ComponentSpace SAML library in this post to show how to store and retrieve certificates from Azure Key Vault, the same approach can be used for any other .Net Core app that resides on Azure.

Rationale for storing certificates in Azure Key Vault

  1. Compliance
    1. Having .pfx file in the local drive on azure with secrets in the appsettings is a massive red flag.
  2. Managing secrets i.e. pfx in source control isn’t easy since the pfx and secret will be available in appsettings
    1. Default .gitignore actually warns you against checking in .pfx files and asks if you are sure you want to check in file of this type.
  3. CI/CD,
    1. We’ll have to constantly worry about deploying .pfx files.
    2. Most importantly, likely you'll have multiple environments and each of your development/test and production/staging environments might/should have their own certificates. This means each environment will have its own appsettings file and you'll need to customize your build process to deploy the right appsettings file to the right environment. You could always alleviate this some what by storing the base 64 encoded string of the certificate and corresponding password in the azure app configuration but seems sub optimal since you are still left to manage secrets and those base 64 encoded strings for the different environments. Plus, those then would be viewable to other developers unless you have some sort of access control on the azure app configuration which then leads to more complexity.
  4. You'll want a way to access these certificates from your local development environment as well without having to store them locally.

How to store certificates in Azure Key Vault

See this on how to to create or import a certificate in Azure Key Vault. I chose to import a certificate since I already had one.

The Name specified in the key vault is used as the SAML certificate configuration key.

How to retrieve certificates from Azure Key Vault

We'll be using managed identity to access the key vault. See this, I went with the system assigned identity.

Next, I granted Key Vault Secrets User role to the managed identity using role based access policy (RBAC). See this for more details.

First, specify the key which maps to the name of the certificate in the key vault in the SAML section of the appsettings file.

"LocalCertificates": [
    "Key": "IdP"

The below retrieves the private key from the key vault and makes it accessible through the IConfiguration interface.

 builder.Configuration.AddAzureKeyVault(new Uri(keyVaultConfiguration.RootUri), new DefaultAzureCredential());

 // Add SAML SSO services.

Component Space SAML library, internally, accesses the private key string using IConfiguration[“Idp”] where Idp is the key specified in the appsettings file.

How to access key vault from local development environment

In the code above, when you are running the app locally, the DefaultAzureCredential will try to access the key vault using the developer's azure credentials. See this for more details.

So, I followed the following steps to access the key vault from local development environment.

  1. Login to azure using az login command. For that you'll need to have the azure cli installed.
  2. Assign Key Vault Secrets User role to the developer's azure account


As you can see, storing and retrieving certificates from Azure Key Vault is pretty straight forward and makes managing secrets a cinch.

You now can have the same key if you like to access different certificates in different environments, developers can easily run their apps locally, CI/CD does not need to be customized and you don't have to worry about managing this in source control.